Why subscribe?

I publish the Oracle Watch newsletter every week with information about Oracle technology, licensing, market position, and more. I also provide my opinion and advice on which Oracle products are relevant, and which are past their sell-by date.

If you don’t want a paid subscription, you can also sign up for just the free newsletters, which will be around one every month.

If you have any questions about subscribing, feel free to send me an email to sten@vesterli.com.

IT Managers and CIOs

If you are making decisions about your organization’s use of software from Oracle corporation, I highly encourage you to subscribe so you don’t miss anything important. Oracle regularly changes pricing and functionality, so you want to stay on top of which products are relevant for you - and maybe which Oracle product you need to migrate away from. If you get an insight from this newsletter that saves you just the maintenance cost on a single CPU running Oracle database Enterprise Edition (without any options), that will have paid for 26 years of subscription…

If you are managing Oracle developers and DBAs, you also need to know which skills are essential, which are optional and which are simply not relevant anymore. That’s one of the things I cover in my regular roundup of Oracle tools and servers.

Developers and DBAs

If you are working professionally with Oracle, and have the least bit of doubt about whether that career is going to last you until retirement, you need to follow Oracle carefully. The free newsletters give you part of what you need, but if you are considering learning new skills or tools in the Oracle ecosystem, you will find valuable information by signing up for a subscription.

Subscribe to Oracle Watch

A straight-talking newsletter for people making decisions about Oracle technology - database, development tools, cloud services. Not affiliated with Oracle Corporation in any way.